Accreditation is an important distinction for academic programs. However, not all accreditations are created equal. Consider choosing a business school with accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International, whether it is for a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree.

There are many benefits to graduating from an AACSB-accredited school. Job opportunities are more plentiful and more likely to come with higher starting salaries. Drawn to a level of academic rigor that ensures a first-rate business education, the best faculty and brightest students seek out schools with AASCB accreditation.


First adopted in 1919, the AACSB Accreditation Standards are continually updated to guarantee value and ongoing improvement. According to the AACSB Business and Accounting Accreditation Standards, “AACSB Accreditation is known, worldwide, as the longest standing, most recognized form of specialized/professional accreditation an institution and its business programs can earn.”

How Does AACSB Accreditation Help Job Seekers?

AACSB accreditation is a prestigious distinction earned by less than 5 percent of business schools worldwide. According to Newsweek, “As of May 2016, AACSB has granted business accreditation to 762 schools across 52 countries, each offering unique and diverse approaches to business education.” A school’s AACSB accreditation reflects well on students who make the cut for admission.

AACSB accreditation also serves as an indicator for success in the workplace. According to AACSB, “Alumni from AACSB-accredited schools agree: Five years after graduation, the majority were senior-level or higher in their organization.”

Does AACSB Accreditation Draw Better Professors?

AACSB Accreditation challenges “post-secondary educators to pursue excellence and continuous improvement throughout their business programs.” It follows that schools with AACSB accreditation attract faculty focused on providing the best education for their students.

Do Employers Prefer Graduates of AACSB-accredited Schools?

To employers, AASCB accreditation spells quality. Because graduates of AACSB-accredited schools are equipped with a first-rate education taught by top professors, employers can hire them with confidence.

Earning a degree from an AACSB-accredited business school is a wise career move. After graduation, you can expect to rise to the top of the pack for the more sought-after job opportunities, command a higher starting salary and look forward to advancing in the workplace.

Learn more about the University of Wisconsin Parkside’s online MBA programs.


Newsweek: When You Look for the Best in Business Education, Look for AACSB Accreditation

AACSB: AACSB Business and Accounting Accreditation

AACSB: AACSB Accreditation Matters. Here’s Why.